LEG'HAND - Our Partners

You will find below the list of all our partners for this great project. Do not hesitate to check their website to learn more about them.

Institutional Partners

Our institutional partners as of today are:

Fédération Française de Handball
Website: www.ff-handball.org

International Handball Federation
Website: www.ihf.info

Official Partners

Our official partners as of today are:

Trimona - Get the grip
Website: www.trimona.com

Associate Partners

These partners have help us at some point in this great project:

Made in World
Website: www.made-in-world.org

Décalage Médias
Website: www.decalagemedias.fr

DK Coeur Afrique
Website: www.dk-coeur-afrique.org

Les Expats - Handball
Website: www.expats-handball.org

On est tous supporters
Website: www.onesttoussupporters.org