LEG'HAND - Our Contacts

To contact us, just have to send an e-mail to the following address This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and one of our members will answer you as soon as possible.

You can also contact us by mail at the following address: LEG'HAND, Chez M. Michel LEMAIRE, 29 rue Théodore Botrel, 28100 DREUX.

Board Members

You will find below the list of our main members. Do not hesitate to send your messages of one of them.

  • Alain MARCHAIS - President
  • Michel BARBOT - Treasurer
  • Philippe GOIAN - Secretary
  • Sébastien LOUIS - Vice-President

Active Members

Michel BARBOT, Nadège COULET, Philippe GOIAN, Barbara GUISLAIN, Michel LEMAIRE, Sébastien LOUIS, Alain MARCHAIS, Philippe PAILHORIES et Isabelle VANELSUE.

Donating Members

Philippe BANA, Mladen BOJINOVIC, Attila BORSOS, Jean BRIHAULT, Martin BURCKLE, Christian CAILLAT, Patrick CAZAL, Jérôme FERNANDEZ, Philippe GARDENT, Andrej GOLIC, François-Xavier HOULET, Jean LELONG, Venio LOSERT, Bruno MARTINI, Philippe MORAND, Laurent MUNIER, Radu NAUM, Valérie NICOLAS, Bhakti ONG, Jackson RICHARDSON, Yérime SYLLA et Jean-Paul VOLLE.